How to get help for yourself
The first step is to ask for help. If you are experiencing problems with your mental health and/or use of substances, you should talk to your family, friends, a counselor or doctor. Please don't feel ashamed, or try to deal with this on your own. You can also call one of the services listed below. Ask questions and accept help. Everyone needs help at some time in his or her life. You will recover faster with the proper type of treatment and support. With treatment and support, many people recovery from concurrent disorders.
Concurrent disorders cause a great deal of disruption and distress to peoples lives. Given this, the government and private organizations are putting greater time and money into developing more and better services to help those who struggle with these multiple problems. Right now, however, if you live in the GTA there are a number of excellent programs that deal with mental health issues, substance use problems, and specifically with concurrent disorders - if you feel you might have a concurrent disorder, we encourage you to make contact with one of the services listed below and get yourself onto that path of recovery.
If you live in the Central West LHIN
Call one of the programs listed below during regular work hours. Information is provided for each program to help you decide which one to call. If you don't know whether to call a mental health or subtance use program first, don't worry about it. Call one of the concurrent disorders-specific programs, or just call a program that sounds like it might be helpful to you. The easiest thing to do may be to call a program that provides services in the area of the Central West LHIN in which you live.
When you call a program, the phone will be answered by someone who will listen to you. They will answer your questions. If they need to, they can refer you to other mental health, substance use and broader health and social services. In order to help you better, the person probably will ask you questions like:
- Why you felt the need to call now
- What problems you are having
- What help you may have sought in the past
- What type of help you are looking for now
Together you will figure out what the next step should be.
Don't worry about having to figure out which is the "right" program to call. If you call one and the person and you both decide that another program might make more sense for you, then they will help connect you to that program.
If you feel you need emergency assistance right now, you should call 911 or go to your local hospital emergency room.
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Central West LHIN Resource List Navigation
Associated Youth Services of Peel
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Community-based outreach programs
- Working Together with Families, 0-6 Program: The Working Together With Families 0-6 Program is an intensive, home based, family-focused intervention for families and children from birth to their 7th birthday. It is based on a family preservation service delivery model. Therapists work together with parents to identify family strengths and needs and develop goals to guide the change process.
- Challenges - Child Management Program: Challenges is a flexible, family-focused intervention. Workers meet with families in their homes, to teach and model, for parents, specific skills in child management, conflict resolution, problem solving and advocacy. Challenges is a community-based alternative to the residential treatment of children with moderate to severe behaviour problems. The length of intervention is based on the needs of the family. Booster sessions (follow up support) are available following the completion of the program.
- Family Connections Program: The Family Connections program is an intensive outreach program. It is a short-term intervention lasting approximately 8-10 weeks with the possibility of booster sessions (follow-up support) following discharge. In addition, a parenting group is offered to all parents involved in the program.
- S.E.E.D Program - The S.E.E.D. Program provides guidance and support to children and youth through one-to-one counselling, social/life skills groups and recreational activities. The S.E.E.D. program is a youth focused intervention lasting approximately 6 months. The focus of the program is to assist youth in developing various social skills including problem solving, decision-making and conflict resolution. Youth Workers work collaboratively with the young person's Peel Children's Aid Worker to assist the client in reaching his/her goals.
- Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) Program: - MST is an intensive, short-term intervention (3-5 months) which involves the whole family. It is a home-based, family-focused treatment which aims to improve family functioning, peer relations, and school performance. Therapy sessions are goal-focused and strength-based occurring 2 to 3 times per week in the youth's natural environment. Specifically, the parents and therapist develop strategies or interventions to promote and monitor the youth's success at home, school and in the community. Families have access to the MST Team 24 hours/day via an on-call pager system.
- COPE (Community Parent Education): AYSP offers community-based, short-term, educationally-focused COPE (Community Parent E ducation) groups, for parents or caregivers of youth aged 12 to 17 years (up to their 18th birthday). COPE 12+ is a large-group parenting course that runs for 10 consecutive sessions/weeks, 2 hours per week. Groups are typically offered 2 times per year. COPE groups include the use of video clips, problem-solving discussions, skill-building exercises and goal-focused approaches. Course leaders, who are children's mental health professionals, guide parents using methods proven to reduce parenting stress and improve parent-child/teen relationships. Parents work together on solutions to parenting challenges, share ideas, and try out new teen behaviour management strategies. The groups are offered free of charge. Childcare and help with transportation is also available if needed
- R.A.I.N. (Reaching Adolescents in Need) - R.A.I.N. is an outreach program which identifies and engages youth with mental health issues who are marginalized from their families, school, community and other support services. The R.A.I.N. Program works to improve the youths' well - being and stability through the provision of a supportive relationship, community outreach, advocacy and referral to appropriate services.
- TAYO (Transitional Aged Youth Outreach): The TAYO Program is a community-based case management program for youth who are experiencing on-going mental health challenges and are likely to transition into adult services.
- Youth Beyond Barriers: The Youth Beyond Barriers program is a support and social group for Queer and Trans-Identifying youth between the ages of 12-18. The program is located in the central Mississauga and Brampton area. Please contact us for more information.
- The Adolescent Team Program: The Adolescent Team provides a variety of service options to families who are involved with Peel CAS, where risk factors are related to parent-adolescent conflict and the youth is at risk of removal from the home.
- Youth Mental Health Court Worker: The Youth Mental Health Court Worker provides referral resources to the Youth Justice Court at the A. Grenville & William Davis Courthouse for transitional aged youth, 16 and 17 years old, with serious mental health issues who are in conflict with the law.
School-based programs
- RISE Program: R.I.S.E is a school-based, multi-faceted program which addresses the needs of children who are displaying signs of anti-social behaviour in the classroom, home and community. The program is approximately four months in duration. The program has four components which promote, empower and encourage positive behaviour.
- Section 23 Classrooms: Section 23 educational programs provide service for students unable to attend regular or special education classes within a community school. The Peel District School Board and AYSP jointly deliver Section 23 classroom programs in Peel schools. Section 23 classroom locations can be obtained by contacting the PDSB Section 23 Co-ordinator or the Section 23 Supervisor at AYSP.
Justice Programs
- Youth Justice Committee (YJC): The Youth Justice Committee (YJC) is a program initiated by the Ministry of the Attorney General. It provides an alternative to formal court proceedings when dealing with young people alleged to have committed certain offences. Youth Justice Committees involve trained community members who meet with victims, accused young people and their parents/caregivers to negotiate an appropriate way for the young person to make amends for his or her actions. Youth Justice Committees provide an increased opportunity for victims and the broader community to have a role in dealing with offences committed by young persons.
- Extrajudicial Sanctions Program (EJS - formerly the Alternative Measures Program): The EJS program was developed as a means to divert young persons charged with relatively minor offences away from formal criminal proceedings and into a program of rehabilitation. Examples of extrajudicial sanctions include: community work, personal service work, apology letters, an apology in person, essay/crime prevention projects, restitution, and/or participation in the Shoplifting Prevention Program (SPP).
- Enhanced Extrajudicial Sanctions Program: The Enhanced Extrajudicial Sanctions (EEJS) program is a court diversion program for young persons in conflict with the law. The EEJS program is a community based intervention which utilizes both in-house programming as well as established programs operated by community agencies.
- Extrajudicial Measures Program: The EJM program is intended to divert young persons away from formal criminal proceedings and into a program of rehabilitation. The EJM program is designed for young persons who have been involved in non-violent offences and who are first time offenders and allows the police to address the actions of young persons without utilizing the forma youth justice court system.
- Community Service Order Program (CSO): The Community Service Order Program is designed for young persons and adults who have been ordered by the Court to do voluntary work in the community to compensate for the offence(s) they have committed.
- The Attendance Centre: The Attendance Centre is an alternative to custody program under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. It allows a young person to remain in the community to participate in a structured and supervised program. The program encompasses a wide variety of opportunities for youth to learn and develop new skills, while maintaining a closely supervised setting to ensure the safety of the youth and the community.
Associated Youth Services of Peel (AYSP) was established and incorporated as a non-profit organization in March, 1986. AYSP initially contracted with the Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide a Phase I Young Offender Community Service Order (CSO) Program and a Volunteer Program, in Peel. AYSP's programming for adults, children, youth and their families has grown considerably since then.
With the assistance of dedicated Staff, many Volunteers, and the Board of Directors, Associated Youth Services of Peel continues to provide effective programming to adults, children, youth and their families. We are proud to partner with other service providers in the areas of child welfare, children's mental health, education and justice to provide well coordinated services in the community. Programs and services are offered free of charge to residents within our service communities.
Varies between programs, please contact 905.890.5222 for specifics.
Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Branch
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Anyone in Peel Region with a direct or indirect experience of mental illness and/or concurrent disorders
CD specific programs
- Concurrent Disorders Crisis Management : Training and consultation to staff from agencies in Peel Region, that deal with clients affected by concurrent disorders, i.e., someone with both a mental health and substance abuse issue.
All other programs
- ACT Team (age 16+ years; Brampton East of Highway 410 and Town of Bolton ) : A client-centred, recovery-oriented mental health service delivery model for persons with the most serious mental illnesses -- those with severe symptoms and impairments who have not benefited from traditional outpatient and community programs
- Access to Recovery, Case Management Program (age 16+ years; Brampton , Caledon and Malton) : Case managers support clients with serious and persistent mental illness to achieve their goals and connect to services.
- Consumer Survivor Support Network (age 16+ years: Peel Region): The network is run by and for consumer survivors, and includes outreach, self-help groups, and Eden Place Drop-in, offering social recreation to help clients enhance social skills and eliminate isolation.
- FACT Peel +(age 16-45 years; Caledon, Brampton, Mississauga) : Clients experiencing a first episode of psychosis initially access services of First Assessment Clinical Team (FACT) Peel, a community-based satellite clinic operated by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and afterwards access FACT Peel + for case management.
- Mental Health and Justice Services, Diversion and Court Support (age 16+ years; Peel Region) : Offers five interrelated services: Mental Health Diversion moves charges of mentally ill offenders out of the criminal justice system; Short-term case management provides community based support for mentally ill offenders on diversion and probation; Discharge planning assists mentally ill offenders transitioning from a custodial setting into their home community; Housing support; and Consultation and support for mentally ill offenders throughout various stages of the judicial process. Model of service: recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation. Avg stay: 1 yr. max.
- Outreach (Peel Region): Assists people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Peel.
- PAR Clubhouse (age 16+ years; Peel Region): PAR is a psychosocial rehabilitation day program for people experiencing ongoing mental health problems. There is currently a clubhouse in Brampton and another in Mississauga, but plans are afoot to merge the two.
- Resource Centre, Community Service Information and Referral (Peel Region) : The Mental Health Resource Centre is a welcoming point of entry to the mental health system. An early intervention program, providing education and training; information and referral; a library; and awareness activities, including attendance at health fairs.
- Youth Net Peel (age 12-20 years; Peel Region): Youth Net Peel is a mental health program run by youth for youth. The goal is to get youth talking about mental health and mental illness through focus groups.
Can vary by program, but includes English.
Serving our community since 1962, Canadian Mental Health Association/Peel Branch (CMHA/Peel) enhances the well being of all people in our community by promoting and supporting good mental health -- promoting mental health, one mind at a time.
Anyone can call.
- Call 905-451-2123 or [email protected]
- For Central Intake to ACT and Access to Recovery programs call 905-451-2123 x 440 or fax a completed referral form to 905-456-7492.
- Agencies may request a referral form by calling 905-451-2123 or go to:
Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Individuals, couples or families
- Walk in Counselling Clinic (available in Mississauga on Tuesdays from 12:30-7:30 p.m. and in Brampton on Thursdays from 12:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
- Individual, Couple and Family Counselling
- Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma Services (individual, workshops, groups)
- Partner Assault Response
- Partner Abuse Services (individual, family, workshops, groups)
- Safer Families Program (individual, family counselling)
- The HEAL Network (Groups and Alternative Intervention)
- Sistering and Community Wellness Programs
For detailed information on any of these above programs, please visit our website at
Can vary by program, but includes: English, French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Mandarin, Polish, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu and Tamil.
Established in 1981, Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin (CFSPD) is a multi-service counselling agency that offers:
- Counselling services to families experiencing woman abuse
- Support groups for women who have been assaulted by their partners
- Psycho-educational groups for men who have battered
- Specialized programs offered through the HEAL Network for children and adolescents exposed to woman abuse
- Individual, couple & family programs
- Programs for adults who have experienced childhood abuse
- Partner abuse programs
- Workshops and groups for adolescents
- Public education and outreach workshops for parents
Individuals can self-refer
Call and speak to a caseworker at 905-450-1608 ext. 112
Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:53 — admin
Contact Information:
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Fri, 09/18/2009 - 22:16 — admin
Contact Information:
People with concurrent addiction and mental health problems
CD specific programs
- Concurrent Disorders Service, Addictions Program : Offers consultation, assessment and treatment (group and individual), all on an outpatient basis, for adult individuals (aged 18-65) with co-occurring addiction and mental health problems. Staff also provide clinical consultation to addiction and mental health providers around Ontario. In addition, CAMH as a whole has committed to building CD treatment capacity in all of its clinical programs over the next several years. The expertise that CAMH is continuing to develop in this area is meant to serve as a core resource to assist in CD capacity building throughout the province.
- There are 3 Clinics within the Concurrent Disorders Service:
1. The Integrative Group Therapies ( IGT ) Clinic which specializes in delivering group therapy treatments:Clients commit to attend treatment for a minimum of 10 weeks to one year. Family issues (support, education, intervention) are addressed with individual family members as needed. The initial assessment process involves 2 to 3 appointments. How to refer: Contact 416-535-8501 ext. 6482.
- Psychiatric Support Groups for people with severe mental illness concurrent with addiction (open cycles; long-term treatment)
- Interpersonal Therapy Groups (open cycles; 6-month to 1-year commitment),
- Trauma Groups: a Stage 1 Seeking Safety Group for people with the experience of trauma and addiction (25 weekly sessions; closed cycles), and a longer-term Stage 2 Trauma Group (weekly sessions; open cycle),
- and a CBT Group for concurrent Depression and Substance Use (weekly sessions; closed cycles)
2. The Eating Disorders and Addictions (EDA) Clinic which offers specialized outpatient integrated treatment to clients (both male and female) with substance abuse accompanied by an eating disorder, and to clients with concurrent substance use and social phobia and/or generalized anxiety disorder. The treatment approaches involve a variety of modalities, which may include one or more of the following:
- weekly group sessions
- weekly one-hour individual psychotherapy sessions
- meetings with a dietician
- after-hours telephone consultation.
Clients commit to attend treatment for a minimum of 10 weeks to one year. Family issues (support, education, intervention) are addressed with individual family members as needed. The initial assessment process involves 2 to 3 appointments. How to refer: Contact 416-535-8501 ext. 6482.
3. The Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Clinic which accepts people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (with or without concurrent substance use problems), and offers Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) either through the:
- 1-Year Program : is an intensive outpatient psychotherapy program involving: a weekly 2-hour DBT Skills Group, plus weekly individual DBT sessions. (The treatment is designed for individuals who are not involved in other primary therapies. How to refer: Self-referral only. Please monitor the outgoing voicemail message at 416-535-8501 ext. 2437 on a monthly basis, for information on when the waitlist will next be open.
- The DBT Skills Training Group: This is a 20-week group (two hours, once weekly) that offers DBT skills training to people with BPD. Participants are required to have an outside primary therapist while attending this group. How to refer: Self-referral only. Please monitor the outgoing voicemail message at 416-535-8501 ext. 2437 on a monthly basis for updates on the waitlist status.
- BPD Psychoeducation & Support Group for Families & Significant Others of People with BPD: is an 8-week group (closed cycles) designed to help friends and loved ones of those with BPD develop a better understanding of the disorder, learn skills to improve their relationships, and manage stress. How to refer: Contact 416-535-8501 ext. 6096 to register.
All other programs
- CAMH has many other programs and services. To find out more you can call 416-595-6111 or 1-800-463-6273 or go to the CAMH website: [email protected]. About CAMH
Can vary by program, but includes English
Established in 1998, CAMH is Canada's largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital. CAMH combines clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues.
Self-referral for all services, with the exception of the Eating Disorders & Addictions Clinic which requires a referral from a physician or mental health professional.
- There is no referral form for the IGT and BPD Clinics.
- People interested in accessing the IGT Clinic must first book an assessment appointment with the Assessment Service by calling: 416-595-6128 prior to further evaluation that will be scheduled on a subsequent date by a Concurrent Disorders clinician.
- People interested in accessing the BPD Clinic can do so directly: 416-535-8501 ext. 2437
- People interested in accessing the EDA Clinic can do so directly: 416-535-8501 ext. 6482, but require a referral from their physician or mental health professional.
Consumer Survivors Network, Central West LHIN
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:56 — admin
Contact Information:
Dufferin Child and Family Services
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
- Dufferin Child and Family Services, Children's Mental Health provides counseling services to all children, youth and their families from birth up to 17 years of age inclusive.
- Dufferin Child and Family Services, Developmental Support Services provides service to any child or adult who live with a developmental disability.
- Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child Protection Services provides service to any child and their family from age birth to 16 years of age.
- Dufferin Child and Family Services, Headwaters Family Visit Centre provides supervised visits for children and exchanges between parents.
- Dufferin Child and Family Services Children's Mental Health offers:
- Walk-In Clinic, single session counseling every Tuesday.
- Crisis intervention and support.
- Individual and family counseling.
- Education and support groups.
- Sexual abuse treatment.
- Referral to other services.
- After hours service and in home/office appointments.
- We can help when a child or youth:
- Could hurt himself/herself or others.
- Is involved with fire play.
- Has had a significant loss or serious traumatic event.
- Is aggressive, violent or bullying.
- Is involved in at-risk behaviours (drugs/alcohol, unsafe sex, illegal activity).
- Has serious challenges with relationships, feelings or behaviours.
- Is experiencing significant emotional distress.
- Developmental Support Services: provides Infant and Child Development, Service Coordination, Respite Services, Medically Fragile Technologically Dependant Services, Complex Needs Support Program, Special Services at Home, Group Work/Outreach.
- Child Protection Services: provides Child Protection Services, Foster Care and Adoption Services.
- Headwaters Family Services Family Visit Centre: provides supervised visits for children and exchanges between parent(s) in a safe and neutral setting.
English. French Language counselling services can be made available.
Dufferin Child and Family Services is an integrated children's services agency.
- Our Mission: to be a partner, resource and leader in supporting and building on the strengths of children, adults and families in our community.
- Our Vision: strong and resilient children, adults and families supported within a safe and welcoming community.
- Children's Mental Health Services: Children, Youth and their Families may refer themselves. Crisis services may be provided in partnership with other emergency resources in the community as needed, such as the hospital, police, ambulance and child protection services. All services are free of charge and voluntary.
- Developmental Support Services accepts referrals from parents, from physicians, or from other agencies with parental/individual consent.
- Child Protection Services receives referrals from any concerned individual.
- Headwaters Family Visit Centre: Both the custodial and non-custodial parents contact the Coordinator to set up an initial intake interview. User fees if ability to pay.
Two Gateways to Concurrent Disorders Services:
- The Talk-In Clinic: Each Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 8 pm "Talk In Clinic". This is the point of entry and all children, youth or their family can attend. No appointment needed. Last appointment is accepted at 7:00pm.
- Crisis Response Services: All crisis services may be accessed by dialing the phone number listed above and ask for Intake.
For all other services, dial the phone number listed above and ask for Intake.
Family Transition Place
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Women who have experienced abuse and their childrenMen who have experienced sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse
English, Access to Interpreter Services
Established in 1984, Family Transition Place provides safety, support and hope to abused women and their children.
Contact via telephone numbers listed above
Friends & Advocates Peel
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Adults 16yrs +, including individuals with CD
- Consumer Initiative: Offering support to those who have experienced mental/emotional distress resulting in social isolation. Friends & Advocates Peel provides members with opportunities to develop strong communication, interpersonal and leadership skills through over 30 activities per month. These activities are of three different types:
1. Governance - Members are directly involved with the decision making for the entire organization.
2. Discussion Groups - Members participate in discussions of light-hearted to serious topics.
3. Social & Leisure - An ever changing series of social activities designed by and for the members
Established in 1986, Friends & Advocates Peel is a Community Based, Adult, Mental Health, Social Rehabilitation Organization.
Friends & Advocates Peel provides a variety of support services to those who have experienced and are recovering from, mental/emotional distress, which has led to social isolation, so that they can gain confidence and maintain themselves as active participants, in their own community, as they themselves would define it.
In the Central West LHIN, Friends & Advocates Peel was appointed to establish a Consumer/Survivor Network (CSN). Funding for the CSN was flowed through F&A Peel to establish the network, and since that time, meetings have been held in 5 communities in the L.H.I.N., and a database of mental health or concurrent disorders consumers/survivors has been created. From each geographic area, representatives have been elected to meet, interact, and to put forth recommendations to the L.H.I.N. board concerning their local needs.
No referrals necessary. Just simply call the office to make an appointment at a place and time convenient to you.
Headwaters Health Care Centre
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 14:08 — admin
Contact Information:
Homewood Health Centre
Thu, 10/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
- CADS Initial Assessment and Treatment Planning (16+ years; Dufferin County): This program follows the principles of Ontario's Admission and Discharge Criteria to develop treatment plans, including referrals to other organizations where appropriate. CD clients are welcome and involved in their plan of care and treatment.
- CADS Choices for Change (16+ years; Dufferin County): Group for precontemplators and people who are mandated to participate in some form of addiction services.
- CADS Substance Abuse Adult Program (16+ years; Dufferin County): As part of the Homewood Addiction Division, Homewood Community Addiction Services (CADS) provides community outpatient addiction counselling for individual and families struggling with addiction issues.
- CADS Substance Abuse Family Member Program (16+ years; Dufferin County): As above.
- CADS Substance Abuse Youth Program (Dufferin County): As above (at either office or school locations).
Homewood Community Addiction Services (CADS) was established in 1986 as a community out-patient program that provides a wide range of services for individuals struggling with addiction issues related to alcohol, drugs and gambling. CADS is part of the Homewood Addiction Division, which offers a seamless integrated delivery system. Programs and services are offered for all populations, and cover a continuum of care, from health promotion activities to assessment and outpatient counseling, to residential treatment. CADS is client-focused and works closely with the community to provide quality programming and services.
Referrals can be made by anyone. Many clients are self-referred or may be referred by physicians, health care workers or service providers, self-help, employers, family members, schools and the legal system.
Call one of the phone numbers listed above to speak with Intake/Reception Monday to Fridays 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed for statutory holidays and weekends).
Jean Tweed Centre
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
CD specific programs
- Justice, Addictions & Mental Health Community Support (JAM) (case management, restricted to women age 18+ years, who are currently involved with the criminal justice system, have a mental health diagnosis, and have a substance use issue, West Toronto area): The JAM program is offered in partnership with Reconnect Community Health Services. The service will provide community support and case management for women with substance use, as well as mental health issues and criminal justice involvement.
All other programs
- Assessment and Referral (women, age 16+ years, Toronto (primary) and Ontario (secondary)): The Centre's assessment process provides an opportunity to match women with substance use and/or gambling problems with the most suitable program at the Centre.
- ICP - Individualized Counselling Program - (community treatment, women, age 16+ years, Toronto (primary) and Greater Toronto Area (secondary)): ICP is an outpatient counselling program for women with substance use and/or gambling concerns.
- Strengthening Families (community treatment, program restricted to children between the ages of 7 and 11 and their parent(s) or care giver(s), Toronto (primary) and Greater Toronto Area (secondary)): Strengthening Families (offered in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health), is a prevention program for families with children between the ages of seven and eleven who may be at risk for substance use problems, depression, violence, delinquency and school failure.
- Support and Stabilization (community treatment, women, age 16+ years, Toronto (primary) and Greater Toronto Area (secondary)): The program is available across the continuum of services offered at the Centre to women who are beginning to address their substance use problems.
- 21 Day Program (community day/evening treatment, women, age 16+ years, Toronto (primary) and Greater Toronto Area (secondary)): Working in a holistic and client-centred way, the day treatment program provides a range of opportunities for women to address their substance use and/or gambling problems.
- Pathways Day Treatment Program Adult *ECD (women, early childhood development clients, Toronto): Mom and Kids Too is a seven week substance use program for pregnant and parenting women, and their children aged zero to six. The goal is to increase attachment between mother and child to improve parenting and coping skills for mothers with substance use concerns.
- Residential Program (women, age 16+ years, Toronto (primary) and Greater Toronto Area (secondary)): The residential program works in a holistic and client-centered way to support women with substance use problems. A variety of program components are offered including individual counselling, group therapy, educational sessions, a family program, and a wellness program.
- Reaching Out to Women (ROW) is a trauma-informed counselling service for women with substance use and/or mental health concerns. Operating out of various locations in Toronto, ROW provides support to women accessing shelters, drop-in centres, and women involved in the criminal justice system.
- Family Program is an open support group for families/friends on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. New members are invited to arrive at 5:30 to meet the family counsellor and other new members. Each night we'll talk about a different area of interest.
- Palmerston House is a unique transitional housing program where women and mothers with infants have the opportunity to work towards their substance use and related mental health goals. It is a safe, group environment for women between the ages of 18 and 50 years old where change and growth are supported. We support our residents in setting goals for their future and assist them in continuing to be productive and independent members of society.
- MK2 Day Program is for women who are pregnant or parenting young children. It is offered three days a week, for seven weeks. It also starts later and ends earlier than most day programs and includes participation in:
- small groups with other mothers focusing on effective parenting
- attachment activities with your child in our child development centre
- larger integrated workshops with women from the day/residential program
- Child Care & Development
- Mothers participating in the Jean Tweed Centre day, outpatient and outreach programs have access to a fully licensed therapeutic child development centre.
- The childcare centre provides a warm and nurturing environment for children to play and learn helping, helping them to meet their developmental milestones.
- Services include: child care, onsite parenting workshops, parenting consultations, attachment intervention, home safety assessments, information and support.
- Problem Gambling
- The Jean Tweed Centre provides a range of programs for women with problem gambling concerns. This includes our core programs such as Support and Stabilization, the 3 week Day or Residential programs, the Individualized Counselling Program, Continuing Care and the Trauma program.
- We also have a Problem Gambling Support Group open to any woman with a gambling concern. This weekly group provides a friendly, comfortable environment for talking about a range of gambling related issues.
- Trauma Program: All clinical services are trauma informed, which means we understand the role that trauma may have played in a woman's life and we will provide a safe and caring environment. We also offer a range of trauma-specific services for current Jean Tweed clients that include first stage trauma groups such as Seeking Safety and Building Resilience; second stage groups such as the Trauma Recovery Group and specialized groups including Parenting Beyond Trauma, a group for women who want to explore the impact past trauma has had on them as parents.
- Continuing Care is for all women who have participated in one of the intensive programs at Jean Tweed, two years of continuing care support are provided. This includes access to two weekly groups, and short term individual counselling.
Varies by program.
The Jean Tweed Centre was established in 1983 on behalf of Jean Shannon Tweed - a woman who saw the need for a safe and supportive environment for women so that they could address their substance use issues. Jean was a pioneer in advancing the cause of women-specific programming and it was to acknowledge and validate her beliefs that the Centre was named in her honour.
Since its founding, the Centre has evolved and grown to become one of the largest non-medical, community-based substance abuse and problem-gambling treatment facilities for women in Ontario. The Centre offers a wide range of services including out patient programs, a residential program and a trauma program for women who access our substance abuse and/ or our problem gambling program.
The Jean Tweed Centre is one of the only substance abuse and problem gambling treatment facilities in the county that has a licensed onsite child care centre. As part of our focus on women, parenting and children we routinely conduct parenting and attachment workshops, child developmental assessments and home visits. Additionally, the centre welcomes women with concurrent mental health and substance use problems.
Self referral or referrals from service providers are accepted
Multicultural Inter-Agency Group of Peel (MIAG)
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Multicultural population including wormen, children and youth, seniors and men (individuals, groups and organizations)
Can vary by program, but includes: English, Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Portuguese, Italian
Established in 1982, MIAG started as a network of community based and mainstream agencies that were concerned with the effectiveness of health, education and social services in Peel Region to serve the needs of our multicultural population. MIAG is a community development and capacity building organization.
MIAG's mission is to enhance the capacity of individuals and families from different ethno-cultural communities through empowerment, innovation and well-being based programs and services.
MIAG activities include the following:
- Identifies gaps in service delivery
- Ensures the active participation of diverse groups
- Builds partnerships and enhances inter-agency collaboration and cooperation between mainstream and community-based organizations
- Develops materials and resource tools to support the inclusion of diverse communities
- Provides professional development opportunities to stakeholders and community groups
- Provides education, training and opportunities for community engagement and leadership development
- Call the phone number listed above OR
- Fax completed referral form to the fax number listed above
- Send e-mail to [email protected]
- Visit the website: or Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Peace Ranch
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
- Housing and Support Peel: adults with mental illness, individuals who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or who live in substandard housing (age 16-65 years; Peel Region): Peace Ranch is a partner with seven other organizations in the Region of Peel's Phase II Homelessness Initiative and employs one full time housing support worker to provide support to individuals residing in Supportive Housing in Peel housing.
- Supportive Housing Brampton and Caledon East (age 18-65 years; Central West LHIN): Peace Ranch provides housing to adults with schizophrenia through a 24/7 supportive group home that houses 10 residents and two townhouses equipped with low level support that house seven individuals.
- Green Spaces: Social Rehabilitation/ Recreation (age 18-65 years; Central West LHIN): Peace Ranch provides Green Spaces, a day program three days per week to adults with mental health issues in Caledon and the surrounding communities. Activities include pet-facilitated therapeutic programs, horticultural therapeutic programs, recreational activities and off-site events
- Eeyor's Market Garden: Social Rehabilitation/ Recreation
- Rosie's Kitchen Wholesome Living Program: Social Rehabilitation/ Recreation
- Day In The Country: Social Rehabilitation/ Recreation
Can vary by program, but includes English and Italian
Peace Ranch provides supportive housing and rehabilitation programs for adults who have serious mental illness and co-occurring addiction challenges enabling individuals to live and work in a community atmosphere on a farm and eventually in the broader community.
- Housing-central intake : 905-795-8742
- Green Spaces Day program : 905-584-9156 ext.27 (Heidi)
- Peace Ranch townhouses : 905-584-9156 ext.22 (Kerri)
Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre (PAARC)
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
- 16 years and over, all programs accept people with concurrent disorders
- Specialized program for people 55 years and older
CD specific programs
- Housing and Support Peel (catchment area: Peel Region): Support provided for clients with a concurrent disorder to help them live independently and improve their quality of life. Intake is conducted through the lead agency, Supportive Housing in Peel.
- Trillium Health Centre Partnership : Serving clients referred from the social work and psychiatric departments of Trillium Health Centre, provided on site. Clients are eligible to participate, when appropriate, in other PAARC programs.
- Street Outreach Concurrent Disorders (catchment area: Peel Region): Outreach worker specializing in serving people with a concurrent disorder, serving those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
All other programs
- Adult Program (primary catchment: Peel Region): The MOHLTC-approved standardized assessment tools are administered through this program. This program follows the principles of Ontario's Admission and Discharge Criteria to develop treatment plans, including referrals to other organizations where appropriate. Services include assessment, treatment planning, case management, counseling (group and individual). Services within this program include relapse prevention, guided self-change, follow-up, and aftercare. Services are tailored to meet the client's individual needs. Community treatment is provided at three fixed office locations (two in Mississauga and one in Bolton,) and throughout the community. We also serve people who are concerned with someone else's involvement with alcohol, drugs or harmful gambling.
- Older Persons' Substance Use Program (55+ years) (primary catchment: Peel Region): The MOHLTC-approved standardized assessment tools are administered through this program where appropriate and possible. The assessment process and content is tailored to the client's abilities. In addition to the assessment tools, a comprehensive bio-psychosocial assessment explores the client's strengths and needs. Clients are visited in their own homes or other place of residence.
- Older Person' Problem Gambling Program (55+ years) (primary catchment: Peel Region): The MOHLTC-approved standardized assessment tools are administered through this program where appropriate and possible. The assessment process and content is tailored to the client's abilities. In addition to the assessment tools, a comprehensive bio-psychosocial assessment explores the client's strengths and needs. Clients are visited in their own homes or other place of residence.
- Community Withdrawal Management - Level 1 (primary catchment: M-H LHIN): This service provides non-medical support for individuals experiencing mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and/or other substances.
- Methadone Case Management (methadone maintenance - primary catchment: Mississauga): The MOHLTC-approved standardized assessment tools are administered through this program. Services include assessment, treatment planning, case management, supportive counseling, referral and discharge planning. With client consent, the case management works closely with the client's methadone prescriber.
- Education Group (primary catchment: Peel Region): To educate clients about general information about alcohol and drugs and their physical and psychological effects, over three sessions or in a one-day workshop. To provide an opportunity for clients to evaluate their own substance use and offer them alternatives to make informed decisions.
- CHOICES Group (primary catchment: Peel Region): This program has been created for Punjabi speaking clients to provide participants with information to increase their awareness of the effects of drinking, to provide them with an opportunity to explore the impact(s) of drinking in their own lives and to help them make more informed choices by covering other topics.
- Aftercare Program (primary catchment: N/A): Eligibility for the program is based on the client completing an inpatient or outpatient treatment program, being in the action or maintenance stage of change, and having a goal of abstinence with exception of prescribed medications, taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. Clients participate for one year, and then graduate to a client-run alumni group. Catchment area is not restricted: this group is for clients who are unable to attend the aftercare program where they attended treatment.
- Ontario Works Addiction Services Initiative (primary catchment: Peel Region): Referred by an Ontario Works Employment Services Worker, this program is for clients for whom substance use is a barrier to seeking employment. Services are offered in both the Brampton and Mississauga Ontario Works offices.
- Back on Track Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers : This program is administered through the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, for drivers who have been convicted of impaired driving. PAARC is the site provider for Peel Region. Clients are notified of the need to participate in this program by the Ministry of Transportation, and register with CAMH for this program. The program consists of three components: assessment, either education or treatment course, and follow-up.
PAARC was established in the late1980s, as a program within the Region of Peel's Health Department. PAARC divested from the Region and became incorporated in 1993. We serve people who are concerned about their own or someone else's use of alcohol and/or drugs, or harmful gambling behavior. PAARC is a non-profit, community based agency, providing assessment, case management and counseling services. We offer a person-centred approach, and welcome all who need or want help. PAARC embraces the full spectrum of recovery, including harm reduction, and we work with individual clients together to develop treatment plans, provide referrals, or otherwise support clients towards meeting their goals.
PAARC's services are free of charge to our clients. We are funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, through the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network, and through our partners in the Central West Local Health Integration Network and the Region of Peel.
PAARC's values include respecting all who are served by our agency, and we respect the privacy of our clients. PAARC adheres to all federal and provincial legislation applicable to our organization and its work.
PAARC's workers are skilled, dedicated and highly ethical. We strive to maintain up to date knowledge about our field and the skills required to provide good quality care.PAARC is beginning the process of becoming accredited.
Anyone can refer. However, we encourage direct contact from the person who will be receiving service from us so that we can ensure that the person is attending voluntary, and to allow us an opportunity to be welcoming to the person to reduce their anxiety and to inform them about their first visit to PAARC.
Peel Children's Centre
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
CD specific programs
- Concurrent Disorders Program provides training, case-specific consultations, and issue specific consultations. Training, consultation and information resources are available to a wide variety of individuals who provide services to Peel youth (e.g. PCC/Nexus staff members, Centralized Intake partners, school boards, hospital programs, youth shelter/transitional housing staff, and other youth serving organizations). The purpose of the training/consultation is to provide individuals and organizations with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully work with young people who are experiencing a combination of mental health and substance use concerns. Training/consultation in current research and evidence-based interventions are regularly offered to a range of service providers, thereby building capacity for providers to simultaneously address both the mental health and substance use issues presented by their clients. Case-specific consultations are available to professionals in the Region of Peel working with youth (up to age 24) experiencing mental health and substance use issues. These consultations provide opportunities for practical application of knowledge, approaches, and tools supported by current research and best practice, and also serve to reinforce concepts imparted in trainings provided by the program. Issue-specific consultations (e.g. related to specific substances and their effects or specific therapeutic approaches) are also available.
Peel Children's Centre
- Peel Children's Centre : offers high quality services ranging from prevention to early identification, assessment and treatment and including counseling, day treatment and residential programs. Some of the services available at Peel Children's Centre include:
- Counselling
- Day Treatment
- Alternatives to Day Treatment
- Residential Treatment
- Foster and Respite Residential Services
- Sexual Abuse Treatment Program
- Community Intervention
- Preparation for Independence
- Preschool
- Court Clinic
- Crisis Response Services
- Child Witness Preparation
- Arson Prevention Program (TAPP-C)
- Group Services
- Volunteer Program
Nexus Youth Services
- Community Counselling Program offers high quality individual counselling for adolescents and young adults helping them build on their strengths and develop their coping skills so that they can make a smooth transition into adulthood. Counselling is offered to individuals at the Square One Youth Centre and main office where youth can access treatment specific to issues they present such as difficulties with mental health (i.e. depression, anxiety, ADHD), concurrent disorders and substance use.
- Square One Youth Centre is a drop-in centre for youth ages 12-24 years where they can access services aimed at improving social skills, coping with the challenges of daily life, and improving job skills so that they can contribute to their communities. Here they have access to computers, community resources and knowledgeable staff that can support them overcoming barriers in achieving their life goals.
Can vary by program, but includes: cultural and language interpretation services available for all programs and services.
Established in 1984, Peel Children's Centre is a fully accredited, community-based children's mental health centre. It offers a comprehensive continuum of high quality, innovative services to children, youth and their families. Services are voluntary, free-of-charge and confidential. Service options include:
- Coordinated, centralized intake and access
- Prevention and early intervention
- Counselling (family, group and individual)
- Community-based outreach services
- Day treatment
- Residential treatment
- Respite and crisis response services
- Assessment services are also available to youth involved in the court system upon referral of a judge
Since 1984, Nexus Youth Services has offered counselling services to teenagers and young adults ages 12 to 24 who live in the Region of Peel in Ontario. Their mission is to create opportunities for youth by providing high quality services that are inclusive and responsive to the needs and voices of youth. Nexus provides services that understand the unique nature of adolescents and young adults and provides programming aimed at ensuring all youth have the ability to access support through the flexibility of its drop-in program at Square One or the formality of its individual clinical counselling program. All services are voluntary, free and private. Youth age 12 or older do not require a parent's permission to participate.
Punjabi Community Health Services
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
South Asian: Seniors, Adults, Youth, Children
CD specific programs:
- Sahara Concurrent Disorders Program: This is a linguistically and culturally appropriate psycho-educational group program. It aims to educate and support individuals and their caregivers to cope with the challenges they are facing as a result of their mental health and addiction issues. This program provides interactive group discussions, educational activities, collaboration with agencies and partners who specialize in addictions and mental health services and ongoing support to clients and their caregivers.
All other related programs:
- Mental Health Case Management Program: Provides assistance and support to clients who are dealing with problems associated with mental health issues. The program uses a holistic approach by providing supportive counselling services to individuals and family members.
The following programs are provided within the Mental Health Case Management Program:
- In-STED Program: Short Term Case Management Program that offers support to individuals 16 years of age or older. This project aims to identify complex mental health needs in a timely manner in hopes of reducing unplanned repeat visits to hospital emergency departments. Client receive services for three to six months and then transitioned to our long term case management program. This program accepts referrals from hospitals and health links.
- Long Term Case Management Program: This program is offered to clients 16 years of age or older. This is a long term case management program that provides support to individuals and their family members for mental health related issues. Clients are welcome to stay within the program on a long term basis until client needs have been met. Referrals are accepted from all sources.
- Early Psychosis Intervention Program: This is a case management program that offers support to individuals who require early intervention support for first episode psychosis or mental health concerns within the past two years. We offer services to clients between the ages of 14 to 35 years. We accepts referrals from all sources.
- Mobile Community Support Group: This group is made up of Mental Health Professionals who work in partnership with other Community allies. We represent a variety of cultures within the South Asian communities and are skilled in delivering culturally sensitive workshops and presentations. Our main goal is to inform, coordinate and facilitate engaging educational presentations in diverse institutions such as schools, corporate offices and community centres.
- Addictions Case Management Program: Provides assistance and support to those individuals and their family members who are struggling with substance abuse issues. This program strives to improve the quality of life by supporting clients and their families through a guided journey to recovery from substance use/abuse in a holistic and culturally appropriate manner.
The following programs are provided within the Addictions Case Management Program:
- Addictions Case Management: Provides individualized assessment and planning and service coordination. We monitor and evaluate services, advocacy, resource coordination and outreach in the community. Case Management Program consists of the following partnerships: Bridging Addictions Counselling Program and In-STED Program.
- Addictions Day Program: A linguistically and culturally appropriate psycho-educational group program for South Asian Men who have problems associated with substance abuse. This is a three-week program that runs Monday to Thursday, 10:00am to 1:00pm.
- Sahara Men's Group: This group program addresses substance abuse and violent behaviour. This is a 16-week group program that runs every Saturday at 9:30am to 12:30pm at 135 McLaughlin Road. S. Brampton ON.
- Relapse Prevention Program: An addictions aftercare program for clients that have completed their Addictions care plan and are now in the maintenance stage of their recovery. A “buddy” system is created in order to encourage mutual support among the members of the group to assist one another through their recovery process.
- Family Enhancement Program: This program is designed to provide skills and coping strategies to South Asian families through individual, couples and family supportive sessions. This program helps individuals to enhance their quality of life.
- Sahara Opioids Addiction Program: This program is in collaboration with CW LHIN’s Narcotics Strategy. This program is provided to South Asian individuals with Opioids addictions 16 years of age or older.
The following programs are provided within the Sahara Opioids Addictions Program:
- Case Management: Provides an individual assessment to determine client needs, development and implementation of a care plan, support and review client care, service coordination, support counselling, monitoring and evaluation of services provided to recipients.
- Sahara Opioids Prevention Support Group: Is a linguistically and culturally appropriate psycho-educational group program specially targeted for South Asian individuals with Opioid Addictions. This is a 16-week program that runs every Saturday at 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil and Malayalam
PCHS began in July 1990 as a community development project. It is now a not-for-profit, charitable, and accredited Health Service Provider organization. PCHS has a mandate to provide health and social services to diverse communities within Peel Region. PCHS has four core programs: mental health and addictions, geriatric services, settlement services, child, youth and family services. Within these programs, PCHS provides addictions, mental health, seniors, settlement, domestic violence and parenting services to the community. PCHS also undertakes community development projects to build neighbourhoods and special projects like building "community hubs".
Mission, Vision, Objectives, Activities, and Values
Mission: To improve the quality of like of the community.
Vision: Empowered communities.
General Objectives are:
- Address domestic violence
- Develop programs to address the needs of children, youth and families
- Develop programs to cater to the needs of people with mental health problems
- Develop programs to address the needs of people with addictions
- Develop programs to serve seniors
- Support newcomers by providing settlement services
Main Activities of PCHS Programs consist of:
- Education and awareness
- Counselling clients in one to one, case management and group format
- Community development and capacity building
- Newcomers' settlement services
- Arts, research and innovation in service delivery
- Social entrepreneurship
- Malton Office - (Head Office)-2980 Drew Road, Unit #241, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A7
- Brampton Office - 50 Sunny Meadow Blvd., Suite #201, Brampton, ON L6R 0Y7
- Mississauga Office - 2985 Drew Road, Unit 219, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A4
- Phone Number: 905-677-0889
Reconnect Community Health Services
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Individuals 16 and over who have a serious mental illness, substance use issues, including those with concurrent disorders and other co-occurring challenges.
CD specific programs
- Central West Concurrent Disorders Specialized Support Services (CW CD 3S): The CW CD 3S program provides support to individuals 16 and over who are struggling with mental illness and addiction, in the Central West LHIN. Referrals are received from the community/hospitals, and the referral form is available on the Reconnect website.
Multi-Disciplinary teams
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACTT); West Toronto Link Team; South Toronto Link Team are intensive community-based mental health treatment services provided by multidisciplinary teams for people with severe and persistent mental illness and complex needs. Referrals for these programs come through the Access Point.
All other programs
- Case Management (age 16+ years, West Toronto): Helps people reach their recovery goals and live successfully in their community of choice. Case management provides intensive individual assistance in accessing community resources and services. Referrals are made through Access Point.
- Prevention Case Management (age 16+ years, TC LHIN and North Etobicoke): The Mental Health and Justice Prevention Case Management program provides case management services to individuals that have a mental illness (concurrent/dual diagnosis or cognitive disability included) to reduce the risk of involvement with the judicial system. Referrals are made to Reconnect from the Access Point, police, probation, courts, safe beds, correctional institutions, and situation resolution tables (FOCUS).
- Forensic Case Management Services (age 16+ years, West Toronto): This program is a partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Law and Mental Health Program, that supports individuals who are struggling with a serious mental illness and are involved with the criminal justice system. The goals of the program are to facilitate a successful transition from hospital to community and prevent future criminal justice involvement for individuals who are under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Review Board (ORB). This program services the TC LHIN and other areas. Referrals come directly from CAMH.
- Mental Health and Justice Case Management (age 16+ years, Support Within Housing, West Toronto): This program is a partnership program whereby Reconnect provides comprehensive case management services to clients who present with a range of needs who are in housing units affiliated with CMHA Toronto. Referrals are received through CMHA from Access Point.
- Supportive Housing Etobicoke/York (SHEY) (age 16+ years, Support Within Housing, Etobicoke and York): The program works in partnership with Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP) to provide mental health case management service to individuals currently living in SHIP subsidized housing units. Referrals are received from SHIP.
- Housing and Support Peel (HASP) (age 16+ years, Support Within Housing, Brampton and Malton): The HASP program works in partnership with Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP) to provide mental health case management service to individuals currently living in SHIP subsidized housing units. Referrals are received from SHIP.
- Community Outreach Program in Addictions (COPA) (55+ years, TC LHIN): COPA provides assessment, treatment and care to older adults who are struggling with addictions in the community. Referrals can be made to Reconnect by completing the intake form found on the website.
- Addictions Supportive Housing (ASH) (55+ years, Support Within Housing): This program works in partnership with Mainstay Housing providing addictions case management to seniors living in supportive housing. Referrals are received from Mainstay Housing from Access Point.
- Crisis Outreach Service for Seniors (COSS) (65+ years, TC LHIN): The Seniors Crisis Services initiative is a partnership with Reconnect Community Health Services, WoodGreen Communitiy Services, LOFT Community Services, Good Neighbours' Club, and South Riverdale Community Health Centre. The program consists of mobile teams who provide "wrap around" support for seniors with suspected or diagnosed mental health and/or diagnosed mental health and/or addiction issues, chronic health concerns, cognitive impairment, dementia, responsive behaviours and/or other geriatric challenges. Multi-disciplinary teams provide short-term crisis intervention and crisis management services to vulnerable older adults living in the community. The teams facilitate clients' access to support seniors after their crisis episode including mental health, addictions and/or behavioural supports, PSW services, caregiver supports, as well as, follow-up case management for seniors (medium and long term services for seniors in crisis) offered by the initiative's partners. COSS teams provide services seven days-a-week (9a.m. to 5p.m.). Reconnect serves clients in the west part of the city. Referrals are made by calling the Seniors' Crisis Line at 416-217-2077.
- Treat at Home (55+ years, Central West LHIN): This program provides mental health and support services to older adults in partnership with CMHA Peel and Cases Community Care. Referrals are made by downloading a referral form from the CANES website and faxing to 416-743-7654.
- Streets to Homes (age 16+) (West Toronto): The Street to Homes program is a partnership with the City of Toronto in which Reconnect offers support to recently housed individuals, identified by the City of Toronto as a part of their Housing First Homeless Initiative. The program serves clients within the Greater Toronto area. Streets to Homes receives referrals directly from the City of Toronto and is based on the Housing First strategy for addressing homelessness in Toronto. Through a partnership with the City of Toronto, Toronto North Support Services and COTA Health, intensive follow-up supports are provided to help ensure housing stability. Referrals come directly from the City of Toronto.
- Short-Term Crisis Bed Program (STCB) (age 16+ years, West Toronto): The STCB provides temporary residential support for individuals living with serious mental illness who are experiencing a crisis and have current justice involvement. The goal of the program is to assist individuals in addressing their immediate physical and mental health needs and to develop long-term interventions. The STCB provides 24/7 on site support for up to 30 days at our 42 Algie Avenue residential site. Referrals to the STCB come from the Safe Bed Registry.
- Services include:
- Crisis support and counselling
- Provision of basic living needs
- Development of daily living skills
- Referrals and linkages to community based services
- Community Services: Includes Adult Day Services, Case Management, Community Programs, Home Help and Personal Care, Meals on Wheels, Older Adult Centre, Respite Care, Supportive Housing, Therapeutic Falls Prevention & Exercise, and Transportation. These services are available for older adults in the TC LHIN.
Established in 1981, Reconnect Community Health Services (Reconnect) offers a wide range of programs, treatment, support and help to individuals 16 years of age and older who are dealing with complex mental illness and addictions.
In 2014, Reconnect integrated with COPA, an addictions service provider who served seniors living with addictions. In 2017, Reconnect integrated with St. Clair West Services for Seniors, a community support services organization providing services for seniors in the west end of Toronto since 1973. Together, Reconnect now provides services to clients across a spectrum of healthcare needs.
Please see website for referral details specific to each program.
See above
Rexdale Community Health Centre
Tue, 09/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
- Rexdale Community Health Centre values and respects the diversity of the community and its clients and staff. They provide multidisciplinary services to all community members but specifically priority populations who face barriers to healthcare, including:
- Seniors (65+)
- Women and children
- Youth (13- 25)
- People facing mental health conditions and/or substance use issues
- Racialized and marginalized communities
- Newcomers to Canada (5 years or less)
- Under-resourced families
Programs and Services :
Includes: English, Spanish, Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi, Somali and Arabic
Established in 1993 the Rexdale Community Health Centre supports and advocates for the physical, economic, social and mental well being of its diverse community through primary health care, community social support, health promotion, collaborations and partnership, community development and social action.
Health care provider and self referrals are accepted.
For more information or to access any services please call one of the phone numbers listed above.
St. Leonard's Place Peel
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 14:12 — admin
Contact Information:
- Male Ex-offender
- Chronic Homelessness
- Mental illnesses (Mood disorders, Schizophrenia)
- Men suffering with concurrent disorders
CD specific programs
- Clean life — A program that offers assistance to residents to teach them how to identify triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and how to live a “clean lifeâ€
- Clinician — Onsite weekly for counseling resident's interpersonal issues in a safe and secure setting
- Psychiatrist — Onsite bi-weekly to manage residents ongoing psychiatric needs.
- Registered Nurse — Onsite 2 days per week to provide ongoing care for residents health concerns
- Onsite A.A/N.A meetings — Community groups hosted by St. Leonard's that provide a forum for residents and community members that suffer from similar issues/addictions
All other programs
- Choose Life — Life skills based class to assist residents in their daily living.
- License 2 Clean- A social enterprise allowing the residents to gain knowledge, develop employment skills, make extra money, create a sense of self worth, and increased self esteem.
- Recreational programming — hockey, badminton, basket ball, cards, bowling, movies, ping-pong, group outings, baseball, fitness class, poetry, music, swimming etc…
- English, Urdu, Italian, Ashanti, French, Serbian, Nigerian, Vietnamese
With its two main client groups, the homeless and the ex-offender in transition, Sir Robert Williams House, Rotary Resolve House and the Father John Bartlett Home, will provide a community of peers and support who will respect and assist each other in re-integrating into the broader society. The Community will be an integrated, collaborative community in which people help people to reach their full potential.
St. Leonard's Place (Peel):
- Enhances each person's sense of dignity and self worth
- Fosters a sense of belonging to a community
- Ensures the safety of each person and the community
- Equips people, through education, to function effectively in the community
- Contributes to the physical, emotional and spiritual nourishment of each person
- Develops relationships based on trust, respect and honesty
- Develops community awareness of the transitional community and St. Leonard's Place (Peel)
- Community agencies
- Individual Families
- Hospitals
- Correctional institutions
- Call program manager at the phone number listed above OR
- Fax completed referral form to the fax number listed above
- To get a referral form, call program manager at the phone number listed above or click here
Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP)
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Individuals with mental illness
Safe, affordable subsidized housing and mental health service - through the provision of in-house mental health service teams and by strengthening our partnerships with community-based agencies.
Every effort will be made to meet the language needs of the applicant or client. Languages currently offered and vary by program includes: Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Czechoslovakian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Pilipino, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu, Ukranian and Urdu.
SHIP is a mental health agency dedicated to ensuring that our communities have the housing and mental health services essential for the mental and physical well-being of its residents. SHIP advocates for the fundamental right of housing.
Referrals can be forwarded to the Central Intake Department from individuals, families, community mental health clinics, hospitals, shelters, psychiatrists or other community agencies. The application and consent form must be signed by the applicant.
- All applications for housing and support services for SHIP and its partners are processed through SHIP's Central Intake Department. To request an information and application package, please contact Central Intake at 905-795-8742, ext. 223. Once received, applicants must:
- Sign the consent form
- Complete the application form
- Arrange for a Psychiatric Report (Central Intake must receive this report within six months of the date of the application)
- Mail the completed forms to:
Central Intake
Supportive Housing In Peel
107-969 Derry Road East
Mississauga, Ontario
L5T 2J7
The Salvation Army Toronto Harbour Light Ministries - Hope Acres
Tue, 06/13/2017 - 14:34 — cwalters
Contact Information:
Men 18 years of age and older residing in Ontario who have a substance use disorder including alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs and nicotine including those with a concurrent mental health diagnosis.
A residential treatment program of up to 24 weeks. Program consists of individual and group counselling, psychoeducational and life skill classes, and work therapy. Hope Acres provides a trauma informed and concurrent disorders capable program.
Hope Acres opened on May 6, 1967. Part of Toronto Harbour Light Ministries we serve adult ment in the Province of Ontario with the vision of being a place that builds community through faith, health, dignity and hope.
Located in Glencairn Ontario on just over 100 acres, our tranquil country setting is a great spot for men with a substance use problem and a mental health diagnosis to begin to work on their personal wellness goals.
The program is up to 24 weeks in length. Clients are encouraged to set thier own treatment goals including their length of stay in treatment. Program components include individual and group counselling, fitness and recreational opportunities and classes in life skills and the opportunity to work on client identified bio-psycho-social-spiritual needs.
The centre has staff available around the clock to assist clients in achieving their treatment goals.
Self-referrals or referral from another agency, professional or family member
Contact our Intake Worker at 705-466-3435, ext. 251
Trellis Mental Health and Developmental Services
Thu, 10/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Adults 18 years of age and older with moderate to severe mental health issues including those who have concurrent disorders
All other programs
- Seniors Geriatric Service provides assessment and follow up for age related mental health concerns including dementia and delirium. This service provides family and caregiver education, access to resources and follow up support
- Community Support Coordination Team (Case Management) (age 19+ years, Wellington and Dufferin Counties): Case management services are provided for individuals 19 years of age and older who are experiencing severe and persistent mental illness. This service is provided by three organizations (Homewood Health Centre, Canadian Mental Health Association, and Trellis Mental Health and Developmental Services) under the rubric of Community Support Coordination Team
- Adult Mental Health Service (Counselling and Treatment) (age 18 years and up, Wellington and Dufferin Counties): Assessment, diagnosis, consultation, individual and group treatment for individuals 18 and older experiencing serious mental health difficulties
- Crisis Program : Site-based and mobile crisis for adults in Dufferin County. Crisis assessment, brief follow up and referral services available. Services are available 24 hours a day by accessing the Distress Center
- Regional Eating Disorders Program (age 10+ years, Waterloo, Wellington County and Dufferin County): The Regional Eating Disorders Program provides specialist outpatient eating disorders assessment and treatment to individuals and families
- Pre-charge Diversion (age 16+ years, Wellington and Dufferin Counties): The Pre-charge Diversion program provides support to individuals with mental health issues who have been identified by police as appropriate for being diverted before being charged for a criminal offense
- Court Support (age 16+ years, Guelph and Wellington, and Dufferin Counties): The Court Support program provides support to individuals with mental health issues who find themselves in conflict with the law.
- 1st Step Program (Early Intervention) (age 14-45 years; Waterloo, Wellington County and Dufferin County): The 1st Step Program of Waterloo Region, Wellington and Dufferin Counties aims to lessen the disruption due to psychosis in the lives of the individual and his/her family as well as reduce the incidence of further psychotic episodes, medical problems, social issues and relapse
Can vary by program, but includes:
- English
Trellis has been providing service to Dufferin County since 1971. Currently Trellis provides mental health services to Dufferin County for those people 18 and older. The Dufferin team is a small multidisciplinary team that provides services during regular business hours. Trellis also provides service by way of the After Hours Crisis program which provides crisis supports in the community as well as through Headwaters Health Care Centre.
Self, family and professional referrals are accepted
- Trellis Central Intake at 1-800-471-1732 OR 519-821-3582
- Fax completed referral forms to 519-821-9043
WellFort Community Health Services
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:50 — admin
Contact Information:
Peel Residents (See specific program's website for eligibility criteria).
WellFort has 5 main programs:
1. Bramalea CHC -
2. Four Corners HC -
3. Health and Smiles -
4. Bloom Clinic -
5. Diabetes Education Program -
The main programs provided are:
- Health Promotion & Programs
- Primary Health Care (Physiotherapy, Chiropody, Counselling Services, Diabetes Education Programming, Registered Dietician, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Doctors)
- Oral Health Care
- Diabetes, HIV & HEP C Education
Our staff speak various different languages.
As a not-for-profit, values based organization, we provide:
- Health Promotion & Programs
- Primary Health Care
- Oral Health Care
- Diabetes, HIV & HEP C Education
WellFort works alongside local residents and partner agencies to increase community capacity. Members of the Wellfort family include Bramalea CHC, Four Corners, HC, Bloom Clinic, Diabetes Education Program, and Health n' Smiles.
You do not need a referral to use this service.
Come visit us or give us a call and find out more! 905-451-9090.
William Osler Health System
Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Persons (children and adults) with acute mental health and addiction disorders
CD specific programs
- Concurrent Disorders Group: (BCH) facilitated by an addictions counselor from Addiction Counseling Services of William Osler Health System and a mental health counselor from the Day Treatment Program. Insight oriented, psycho-educational, and supportive model of treatment. In development for our Etobicoke General Hospital site.
- Addiction Counseling Services of Peel, Brampton : assessment, individual counseling, and psychiatric treatment is provided to those with a concurrent disorder.
All other programs
- Addiction Counseling Services : Assessment Program (for Drug and Alcohol and Problem Gambling Clients, Brampton and EGH). The MOHLTC-approved standardized assessment tools are administered through this program. This program follows the principles of Ontario's Admission and Discharge Criteria to develop treatment plans, including referrals to other organizations where appropriate
- Addiction Counseling Services : Treatment Program (for Drug and Alcohol and Problem Gambling Clients, Brampton and EGH). Addiction counseling to individuals, relapse prevention, family intervention, follow up, and aftercare. Cognitive-behavioural model. Models: harm reduction, Stages of Change. Uses other modalities depending on therapist. Individual and group counseling provided. Consultation on addictions provided to all mental health program staff. Psychiatric consultation provided to clients referred by counselors of program.
- Residential Withdrawal Management Level 2 (Withdrawal Management Centre, Brampton): Client withdrawal is monitored by non-medical staff to provide stabilization. Crisis intervention is provided as required. Assessment, counseling, support and referral to other resources according to client need.
- Mental Health Emergency Services Unit (MHESU), BCH. A 4-bed mental health clinical decision unit located in the Emergency Department at the Brampton Civic Hospital.
- Short-term Intervention Clinic, BCH (counseling and treatment, age 18+ years, North Peel Region). This clinic provides short-term intervention to maintain adult clients (18 years and over) experiencing an urgent mental health problem, who would benefit from a short-term model of intervention. Typically, they may not require admission, but a quick response is needed to maintain the client in the community.
- Mental Health Crisis Intervention , BCH and EGH (although service responds regardless of catchment area consideration)). The Crisis Intervention Team provides assessment and intervention to those who are in an acute state of crisis due to a mental disorder and/or severe psychosocial stressors. Family and/or significant others are included in the intervention. The team collaborates with the mental health and emergency team, staff from other hospital services, as well as its community partners to develop and implement appropriate intervention strategies. This service is located in the Emergency Department at both BCH and EGH and operates 24/7.
- Adult Inpatient Brampton , BCH (age 18+ years, Central West LHIN). Three adult units currently open include: Mental Health Intensive - a 14-bed unit focused on high risk patients, typically new admissions from the ER; General Unit B - a 19-bed unit with a focus on the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders; General Unit C - a 15-bed unit with a focus on the treatment of schizophrenia/psychotic illnesses.
- Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit and Day Hospital , BCH (under 18 years of age, Central West LHIN (primary)). A 10-bed inpatient unit that provides comprehensive care to children and adolescents up to the age of 18 who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms, plus a 4-bed intensive unit for those requiring a secure setting. A 10-space Day Hospital provides a short term service for children and youth who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms requiring assessment and initiation of treatment, but who do not require admission to an inpatient setting.
- Adult Day Treatment Program (ADTP)/Adult Outpatient Services, BCH (age 18+ years, Central West LHIN). The Adult Day Treatment Program (ADTP) provides intensive, outpatient psychiatric treatment and psychoeducation to adults, 18 years of age and older. Adult Outpatient Services provide aftercare to ADTP patients, a Mood and Anxiety Program, a Concurrent Disorders Group, and are developing a Health and Wellness Clinic for those at risk of Metabolic Syndrome.
- Mental Health Centralized Intake and Triage ( CIT -BCH) provides Intake and Triage of adult mental health patients age 17+ referred by a physician. Patients may be triaged based on the physician's referral form or with the addition of a social work assessment in person. Patients may be triaged to psychiatry, psychotherapy, or specialized treatment programs within the hospital and/or community as appropriate. Every effort will be made to provide the appropriate service closest to the patient's place of residence. Referrals are welcome from physicians located in the Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) (5) and/or whose patients are located in LHIN 5. The referrals are triaged based upon level of urgency and risk.
- Mental Health Centralized Intake and Triage ( CIT -EGH) (counseling and treatment, age 18+ years, North Etobicoke). The Mental Health Centralized Intake and Triage Clinic provides assessment and short-term counseling to those whose mental health problems can be addressed in an outpatient setting and where the mental health problems necessitate the need for urgent treatment to prevent further decomposition by the client which could include either a psychiatric follow-up, individual counseling and or group interventions for depression, anxiety and stress management. Referrals to the CIT can be made by family physicians using the programs referral form.
- Adult Inpatient Unit Etobicoke(Unit), EGH (age 18+ years, Central West LHIN). A 25-bed acute care facility that provides assessment and acute treatment for adults with acute mental illness.
- Adult Day Treatment Program (ADTP), EGH , (age 18+ years, Central West LHIN. The Adult Day Treatment Program (ADTP) provides intensive, outpatient psychiatric treatment and psychoeducation to adults, 18 years of age and older. Several program streams are offered depending on the individual's level of functioning. The ADTP also includes the Depot Injection and Clozaril Clinic which provides services to patients living in the community requiring long-acting depot injections and monitoring patients on Clozaril medication.
- Community Treatment Orders ( CTO ) Program , (case management, age 18+ years, BCH). The Community Treatment Orders (CTO) Program provides information and support to those who are being considered for a CTO, as well as to their substitute decision maker, if any. This program also provides coordination and support to those who are subject to a CTO, as well as to their substitute decision maker, if any. Community Treatment Orders for EGH are coordinated through the Canadian Mental Health Association of Toronto.
- Adult Community Mental Health Clinic , (counseling and treatment, age 16+ years), BCH. The Community Mental Health Clinic offers a wide range of psychotherapeutic, supportive and educational services to adult clients, 16 years of age and over who are experiencing moderate to serious mental health problems.
- Eating Disorders Clinic , (counseling and treatment, North Peel Region, Halton Hills and Dufferin County (for children and adolescents). This clinic provides multidisciplinary outpatient assessment and treatment for children, adolescents and adults with mild to moderate eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic , (counseling and treatment, under age 18 years, North Peel Region (Brampton and Caledon) and Dufferin County (consultation for children and adolescents)). The Child and Adolescent Clinic provides outpatient treatment to families with children and adolescents up to 18 years of age, who are experiencing or are at risk of developing a serious psychiatric disorder.
Information for patients and families available in 7 languages: English, French, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi and Spanish
William Osler Health System is one of Canada's largest community hospital corporations serving the growing and diverse communities of Brampton, Etobicoke and surrounding areas in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Osler's hospitals include Etobicoke General, Brampton Civic and the soon-to-be redeveloped Peel Memorial which together provide a comprehensive range of acute care, ambulatory and ancillary health services. Osler's emergency departments are among the busiest in the province and its labour and delivery program is one of the largest in the GTA.
With an annual budget of nearly $500 million, Osler currently operates 773 inpatient beds and employs a team of more than 4,100 dedicated health care professionals - over half are nurses - and more than 700 physicians and 1,000 volunteers. Osler is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which is supported by a strong and revitalized senior leadership team and two Community Advisory Councils that provide input and feedback to the Board on matters concerning local health care delivery.
With the 2007 opening of the state-of-the-art Brampton Civic and redevelopment now underway at Etobicoke General and Peel Memorial. Osler is poised for significant growth and renewal as it transforms health care for the 1.3 million residents of Central West Ontario.
Varies, depending on the individual service
Through the Emergency Department or through Mental Health Centralized Intake and Triage at both the Brampton Civic (905-494-6709) and Etobicoke General (416-494-2120 Ext. 32362) hospital sites.
YMCA of Greater Toronto
Thu, 10/01/2009 - 00:00 — admin
Contact Information:
Serves youth (14-24yrs) who use substances
YSAP does not have concurrent disorders specific programs, but co-occurring mental health issues are welcomed.
The Youth Substance Abuse Program (YSAP) is a non-residential program developed to meet the needs of young people aged 14-24 who are looking for support with substance use and misuse issues. YSAP is a free and confidential community based counselling and education program that works from a harm reduction philosophy. YSAP offers a range of harm reduction materials to participants and is able to provide sanitized injection and piercing equipment to registered clients. YSAP also offers free workshops for youth, parents, guardians, role models, professionals and other community agencies/organizations that influence and work with youth.
Self referrals are welcome
- Call the phone number listed above
- Voice mailbox is confidential; expect call back within 24-48 hours on business days